"Is CanXida Really Worth It?" & 21 Other Common Questions
Here at CanXida we give out a lot of information.
We also get a lot of emails with questions, either about our CanXida line of dietary supplements or gut health in general. And we're always happy to send a reply.
Below are 22 of the most common questions we get. This page is long so feel free to click the table of contents below to instantly be taken to the answers you're most interested in.
Questions Answered On This Page:
1. I’ve had many bad experiences with other brands of supplements not working. How do I know CanXida will be different?
2. Will CanXida cause me to have a die-off reaction?
3. CanXida is more expensive than almost every other gut health or candida supplement available. How do I know it’s worth it? What makes CanXida superior compared to other supplements that use the same ingredients?
4. How do I determine which CanXida formula or combination of formulas I need to take? Should I take 1? All 3?
5. What dosage of each supplement do I need to take? Do I take just 1 RMV + 1 RST every day? 2 RMV + 1 RST? How to I figure out how many tablets of each formula I need to take daily?
6. What kind of diet do I need to follow while using the CanXida products?
7. Why should I take a natural product for my yeast / gut issues vs a pharmaceutical drug? Are natural products really going to be effective?
8. Do I really have to be on this supplement for months to get rid of my yeast / gut issues? Isn’t there a faster way?
9. I’ve read that you have to go on a really restrictive diet to get rid of candida & have been reluctant to try CanXida due to this. How restrictive is the diet really?
10. I want to beat candida / fix my gut through diet alone & without using supplements. Is this possible?
11. I react easily to supplements. Does CanXida have anything toxic? I noticed RMV for example has dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate and hydropropyl methylcellulose. Could these give me an adverse reaction?
12. Is CanXida safe to take alongside my medications?
13. Why does CanXida RMV contain anti-fungal plus anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients? I only have a yeast issue. Why should I buy a supplement that has all 3 when I can save money by buying something that only targets candida?
14. Why do I need to take probiotics at all when my goal is just to get rid of yeast? Isn’t an anti-fungal enough?
15. Why is your CanXida RST probitoic formula so expensive? I see probiotics on Amazon and the grocery store for $10. Why should I pay more?
16. Why does CanXida RST only have 6 probiotic strains? I see other supplements with 10, 20 or even 50. Aren’t those better?
17. Why does CanXida RST contain 7 enzymes? Do I really need digestive enzymes? I don’t really want to pay extra for stuff that won’t help me.
18. Do I really need to take CanXida RBD? How do I know I’ll benefit from taking this extra formula alongside RMV and RST?
19. Does CanXida RBD or the others taste bad? I’ve had bad experiences with multivitamins that tasted awful.
20. If CanXida is so great how come my doctor or naturopath recommended me something else and didn’t tell me about this formula?
21. Do I need to take any test to confirm I have candida before buying CanXida?
1. I’ve had many bad experiences with other brands of supplements not working. How do I know CanXida will be different?
CanXida has a lot of features that differentiate it from any other gut health supplement currently available.
CanXida is sustained release. That means when you swallow CanXida, your digestive system doesn’t get access to everything immediately. Instead it breaks down slowly in the gut over a period of several hours. That way you get a stronger antifungal effect for longer.
Instead of being active in your system for a short period of time, it stays active throughout the day as it passes through your entire digestive system. This also allows us to put stronger doses of herbs and concentrates into this tablet without them causing side effects or adverse reactions.
That way you end up with more antifungal activity overall.
You get a really high dose of everything that gets spread out throughout the day vs overwhelming you all at once.
Now, likely the supplements you were taking before were not sustained release. They weren’t put together by a team with decades of experience treating your specific health problem. They were likely put together by a company that’s got a 1000 other products and they pay lip service to making an antifungal or antibacterial formula.
Or they were put together by a person who works in a lab as a supplement formulator and hasn’t seen a gut disorder patient in their entire life. Or they just put out a caprylic acid product or an oregano product. Not a product that contains all the antifungal ingredients you get in RMV.
The supplements you used in the past also probably didn’t use standardized ingredients.
Standardization means that each time you take this product, you’re getting a consistent therapeutic dose. It doesn’t vary in potency from batch to batch is often the case with non-standardized supplements. Its a bit like how pharmaceuticals are made.
We’re also the only candida & gut health formulators to provide extensive free education materials to our customers. Just look at the +2,000 videos on our YouTube channel.
The way you find good supplements is by asking where did the company get the raw materials? What kind of research has gone into the product? What country did the ingredients come from? Was the product formulated by a person who’s an expert on it? Has it been tested and proven to work for your specific problem? Do they provide extensive education about dosage or the best way to use that product?
2. Will CanXida cause me to have a die-off reaction?
We’ve taken multiple steps to minimize or eliminate candida “die-off” reactions for the majority of people. As you’ve likely heard, when yeast, bad bacteria and parasites die they release toxins. These then get into the bloodstream & can cause issues like insomnia, brain fog, achy muscles, sore joints and tiredness.
This is especially prevalent in people with kidney or liver toxicity or whose kidneys & livers are congested.
This can be caused by a variety of things such as too much alcohol, sugar, pharmaceutical medications, high stress lifestyles, etc. One of the ways you prevent these “die-off” reactions is by taking a sustain release supplement such as CanXida RMV and RBD.
These supplements break down slowly as they pass through your digestive system vs immediately when you swallow them. This allows the antifungal activity to be spread out over hours so that yeast and bad bacteria get eliminated slowly throughout the day vs in a short period of time immediately after you take the supplement. That way your liver & immune system doesn’t get overburdened & has an easier time cleaning up these toxins before they can cause issues.
Another way to minimize or eliminate “die-off” reactions is by doing what we call a “Big Cleanup” before starting a candida cleanse. You c an learn more about this on our YouTube channel and in several of our ebooks. The big cleanup is a 14 day period where you slowly prepare for a gut cleanse by doing things like cutting back on alcohol, caffeine, getting more sleep, removing junk food & soda out of your diet, etc.
Assuming you follow this advice & take a sustained release formula like RMV, you should be able to get your gut working normally again with minimum or no “die-off” like symptoms, side effects or aggravations.
3. CanXida is more expensive than almost every other gut health or candida supplement available. How do I know it’s worth it? What makes CanXida superior compared to other supplements that use the same ingredients?
CanXida has a lot of features you won’t find in cheap supplements.
We use standardized ingredients. Standardization means that each time you take CanXida, you’re getting a consistent therapeutic dose. Each herb, plant extract and oil we use has a verified & controlled amount of active ingredients.
It’s not random and doesn’t vary in potency from bottle to bottle as is often the case with non-standardized supplements.
CanXida RMV and RBD are sustained release. That lets us pack higher doses into each tablet and have it break down slowly over time as it passes through your digestive system. That way your gut doesn’t get irritated because of how much antifungal activity each tablet contains.
This also lets us target all parts of the digestive system including the mouth, stomach, intestine and colon.
CanXida RST uses a time release capsule that only opens up in the small intestine. That way no good bacteria is lost due to stomach acid. Most people can’t be bothered by these things or don’t care. They just go on Amazon or the supermarket and look for a cheap $10 product (& then wonder why nothing works).
We sourced the best possible raw materials from the top manufacturers in the world for our CanXida formulas. We know the suppliers where each raw material comes from. We know how it’s grown. We have lab test results from each batch to make sure they have the right amount of active ingredients.
Each raw ingredient goes through a strongest process involving lab work to make sure the correct herb was sent, that it contains no contaminants, or bad microbes, that there are no heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, GMO’s and more. We also know all the people involved in the production if these supplements are in Canada, New Zealand, and the U.S. and nowhere else.
We made sure everyone involved in the production of CanXida meets GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).
GMP ensures that each bottle is produced consistently & that all stages of the process are controlled according to the highest quality standards. The facility that puts the raw ingredients together into tablet form is a FDA certified facility located in New York, USA.
As you can imagine all this is very expensive.
Yet we do it because we want to ensure our customers get the most effective product possible. That’s why CanXida has a reputation online for getting you results when every other product or treatment in the past failed you.
As we like to say, CanXida is not cheap but great health is not cheap either. And believe us, the price is long forgotten when your health returns and your quality of life improves. Remember, this isn’t a product you have to take for the rest of your life. Just a daily dose for 3 months is all you may need to get your gut functioning again the way it used to.
4. How do I determine which CanXida formula or combination of formulas I need to take? Should I take 1? All 3?
We recommend everyone with a gut problem to at least take RMV and RST.
But if you look at how the 3 CanXida formulas work as a team you’ll understand why it’s important to consider taking all 3 at the same time. RMV as you know cleans up the gut. It gets rid of high populations of yeast, bad bacteria and parasites. All people can benefit from RMV. Even people who think they’re in amazing health feel better after taking RMV for a few weeks.
RST restores the gut using a blend of enzymes and probiotics. The probiotics colonize the gut wall and prevent the yeast from getting in there again. And the enzymes help break down food so your new beneficial bacteria have plenty to eat and grow faster.
RMV gets rid of the “bad guys” and RST replaces them with beneficial bacteria that prevents these bad guys from coming back. That’s why RST is the perfect companion product for RMV.
Not everyone needs to take RBD. RBD is a sustained release multivitamin with an anit-microbial back end. It’s designed to supply your immune system with all the nutrients necessary to hit the yeast hard. As well as block yeast and bad bacteria from gobbling up the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Most people who start the CanXida program have vitamin & mineral deficiencies that slow down their recovery.
Other people may have an outstanding diet and have no mineral deficiencies (one way you can tell is if you suffer from fatigue).
If you know your diet is absolutely outstanding, maybe you don’t need the multivitamin component. If you’re the type of person who eats a lot of fermented foods, a lot of sprouts, legumes, many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, you may not need to take RBD at all. But not everyone eats like that.
If you’re just starting out on a candida diet and you’ve got a history of eating lots of packaged or processed foods, then RBD is going to help you A LOT. So the higher quality the diet is to begin with, the less likely you’ll benefit from taking RBD alongside RMV and RST.
If you’re totally new to candida cleansing and are still skeptical whether CanXida will help you, start with 1 bottle of RMV and RST. If you have chronic gut problems or you suffer from fatigue, you’ll benefit greatly by taking Rebuild as well.
For the absolutely BEST results, take all 3.
5. What dosage of each supplement do I need to take? Do I take just 1 RMV + 1 RST every day? 2 RMV + 1 RST? How to I figure out how many tablets of each formula I need to take daily?
To answer this question in detail we’ve created a 28 page CanXida User Guide booklet.
You’ll get a pdf copy plus a free small physical print copy of this booklet with your order. Inside you’ll find an explanation of how and when to take each formula, what each of them does & detailed long and short term dosage instructions.
You can access it early by clicking the link below or pasting it into your browser:
For best results, we recommend starting with 1 tablet, once a day. Then over several weeks you increase the dosage until you’re taking CanXida up to 3 times a day. You stick to this higher dosage for several weeks and then return to the once a day dosage again. Then repeat. You can learn more about this on our YouTube channel where we’ve got several CanXida dosage videos.
For full in-depth dosages instructions, see the user guide by clicking the link above.
6. What kind of diet do I need to follow while using the CanXida products?
The diet we recommend you stick to while taking CanXida is the MEVY diet which stands for Meat, Eggs, Vegetables and Yogurt.
After which you can transition to a low allergy diet and then start reintroducing foods back into your diet. You can find many videos on our YouTube channel explaining which foods to eat and avoid while healing the gut.
As long as you make the necessary dietary changes (remove sugar and processed foods, start eating whole foods, etc.) and follow the dosage advice in the CanXida User Guide, we’re confident you’ll get great results with CanXida. For detailed diet instructions, see our grocery shopping guide & printable diet checklist.
You can access them free by clicking below.
Candida Crusher Grocery Shopping Guide: 187 Foods That Get Rid of Candida:
Candida Crusher Diet Printable Checklist:
7. Why should I take a natural product for my yeast / gut issues vs a pharmaceutical drug? Are natural products really going to be effective?
There's several reasons why we ONLY recommend natural remedies for candida yeast infections.
The key reason is because natural methods don't harm your beneficial bacteria. They let you take out the yeast without harming the "good guys" or causing damage to your internal environment. It's the difference between using a sniper rifle and a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb is something like an antibiotic.
Antibiotics are the primary cause of candida overgrowth.
Nearly every woman with recurring vaginal yeast infections has had a history of antibiotic use BEFORE she got sick. The problem with antibiotics (as you’ve probably read elsewhere) is they indiscriminately wipe out all the bacteria in your gut, including the beneficial ones.
What most people (including many general practitioners) don't understand is beneficial bacteria are what PREVENT candida from taking over in the first place.
Good bacteria, primarily lactobacillus and bifida, are your gut’s IMMUNE SYSTEM. They’re like a defense force or a police unit. They keep the “bad guys” (bad bacteria & yeast) in check and prevent them from gaining a foothold.
Another benefit of natural medicine is resistance doesn't occur with natural ingredients.
That happens with drugs. This has been confirmed many times with studies done on things like grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, undecenoic acid, clove, and other natural anti-fungals. Resistance just doesn’t happen. It happens with pharmaceutical drugs because they are synthetic. They’re only made up of one thing. They’ve got one ultra refined chemical compound with a very narrow band of action.
Once yeast or bad bacteria develops a resistance to this action, the pharmaceutical drug is done.
Remember, these nasty microbes are very adaptive. If you only hit them with one action they will soon work out how to fool this action. And you know what happens next. The drug no longer works and the problem comes back. And then you go back to the doctor who puts you on a new drug and the cycle repeats again.
Natural medicines are different. They doesn’t just contain one thing. They’ve got many different natural chemicals and compounds in there that make it up. They attack yeast, bad bacteria and parasites from many different angles so they get overwhelmed & can’t fight back.
The natural stuff works. There's no doubt about.
8. Do I really have to be on this supplement for months to get rid of my yeast / gut issues? Isn’t there a faster way?
As we explain in the CanXida User Guide, you can cut your recovery time in half if you’re able to slowly increase your dosage to the point where you're taking CanXdia Remove with breakfast, with lunch, & with dinner.
Even in this case thought it will likely take 2-3 months for you to recover from a moderate to severe yeast infection that just won’t go away otherwise.
A lot of people have this idea that they can get rid of all the yeast in their body within 24 hours or a week if they just use the “right trick.” There is no trick. When yeast, bad bacteria and parasites die they release toxins. These toxins then get into the bloodstream & can cause issues like insomnia, brain fog, achy muscles, sore joints and tiredness. In medicine, this is called the Herxheimer reaction (aka candida “die-off”).
That’s why you want the yeast to die off slowly. Because if all the yeast in your body died right now, the amount of toxins they'd release would probably put you in a coma (especially if you’ve got a severe overgrowth).
You don’t want a lot of yeast toxins released in a short amount of time. You want to kill off a little each day so you can continue to function in your daily life. Remember, you didn’t get sick over night. It took a long time for your illness to develop to the level it’s at.
And it’s going to take time for your body to heal.
You may think being on this product for two to three months is expensive but CanXida is cost effective because you can stop buying all the other supplements you’re taking. Think about it. How much have you already spent on supplements to get your health back? $100? $500? $1000 or more?
Some people write to us, “Jeez, why are your formulas so expensive?” We challenge you to go out & make a product like this & sell it for a lower cost using the same raw ingredients. You’ll end up with a cheaper product and you’ll get cheap results. And then you’ll see people talk about it on the internet and tell everyone how bad your product is. We don’t want cheap results.
9. I’ve read that you have to go on a really restrictive diet to get rid of candida & have been reluctant to try CanXida due to this. How restrictive is the diet really?
It’s not as restrictive as you may think.
A lot of candida websites say things like you cannot eat any fruits, breads, beans, pasta or potatoes - period.
And this just isn’t true. Remember, a lot of the information out there is written by people who have never seen a single candida patient in their whole life. Yet they’re telling you what foods will or won’t work for you.
The reality is, you can eat (many) fruits. You can eat (certain) breads. You can eat beans (just start with a spoon a day and slowly build it up). You can eat pasta if it’s made of certain grains. You can eat potatoes (experiment with baking vs steaming vs boiling, because usually baking doesn’t cause a reaction).
So be careful about what you read online because there's a lot of bad information out there. It's one of the reasons many people get nowhere with their treatment & end up struggling with candida for years.
For a full guide on what foods you can or can’t eat while taking CanXida, see our grocery shopping guide & printable diet checklist. You can access them free by clicking below.
Candida Crusher Grocery Shopping Guide: 187 Foods That Get Rid of Candida:
Candida Crusher Diet Printable Checklist:
Be sure to take a look because you’ll quickly realize the “restrictive” part of the diet usually only lasts the first 2 to 3 weeks. After which you can ease off and add more foods to the diet.
10. I want to beat candida / fix my gut through diet alone & without using supplements. Is this possible?
The answer is yes. But it’s hard. REAL HARD.
And we can tell you right now – it DOESN’T HAPPEN in the vast majority of cases.
Some doctors and naturopaths say you need to get your antifungals naturally from whole foods and not rely on supplements. But in fact that’s what our team used to tell people to do. Folks would go to health food stores. They would buy organic foods. And it didn’t work.
People would buy a little of caprylic acid, or a bottle of betaine or a bottle of grapefruit seed extract. They had to buy one ingredient at a time because nobody had ever put a product together like CanXida that contained everything you need. There wasn’t a formula that was able to target yeast, bad bacteria and parasites all the same time.
People just got overwhelmed with the amount of supplements they had to take each day.
Listen: You may be able to lower your amount of candida using just diet alone but to truly clean up the gut you need high doses of “powerful agents” over and above the diet. Things like standardized allicin from aged garlic extract, eugenol (which comes from black walnut hull extract), biotin and more.
You’d have to go on a hardcore diet to adequate doses of all these from food. So hardcore you’d irritate your digestive system so much you’d throw your beneficial bacteria off balance and start to get problems.
Diet alone doesn’t work for most people. We’ve seen people eat the most amazing anti-candida diets. Stuff like ten cloves of garlic plus big chunks of ginger and tablespoons of turmeric powder each day. Yet when they did a stool test they still had problems.
That’s why if you’ve got severe candida, you won’t get rid of it with diet alone or with supplements or lifestyle alone. You need all 3 of these things if you want long lasting recovery.
11. I react easily to supplements. Does CanXida have anything toxic? I noticed RMV for example has dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate and hydropropyl methylcellulose. Could these give me an adverse reaction?
No cases of serious side effects or allergic reactions have been reported following the use of CanXida products.
If you’re a sensitive person & you know you react to supplements, cut the tablet in half & take that for a few days before moving up to one per day (& then to one tablet twice per day).
CanXida is nontoxic. The 3 extra ingredients mentioned above are what are called excipients. They are harmless additives used in the supplement industry for different purposes.
Dicalcium phosphate for example is an odor remover. It sanitizes the tablets and gives the bottle a fresh smell when you open it. It’s made of calcium and phosphate which are 2 essential minerals you eat every day anyway.
Magnesium stearate is stearic acid which is a fatty acid commonly found in coconut. It’s also found in chocolate and chicken skin. It’s there to hold certain ingredients together so the tablet doesn’t crumble or fall apart easily. The only way you'd react to magnesium stearate is if you had a serious case of liver or pancreatic cancer (in which case you probably wouldn’t be reading this page).
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose is also harmless. It's a plant fiber that comes from pine trees. It’s responsible for the sustained release effect of the product so that it doesn’t break down right away and stays active in the GI tract longer.
12. Is CanXida safe to take alongside my medications?
None of the ingredients we use in CanXida are known to react with drugs but check with your doctor just to be safe.
Particularly if you’re taking several pharmaceutical medications (because taking lots of pharmaceutical medications and dietary supplements at the same time is not a good idea in general). An acid blocking medication or immodium (a drug helps you stop having diarrhea) for example isn’t great to take at the same time as probiotic supplements.
You also may not want to take an antibiotic and CanXida RST at the same time as the antibiotics would kill off the beneficial bacteria inside the capsule.
13. Why does CanXida RMV contain anti-fungal plus anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients? I only have a yeast issue. Why should I buy a supplement that has all 3 when I can save money by buying something that only targets candida?
What our team have discovered over the years an after looking at thousands of comprehensive digestive stool analysis test results is most people with candida have multiple issues that need clearing up.
Some people who think they have candida in fact don't have candida at all. Maybe they had candida and they got rid of it after being on a anti-candida program for many months. So what do these people have?
Imbalances across the board. They have poor levels of good bacteria.
Many have high levels of bad bacteria such as citrobacter or klebsiella. Others have microscopic parasite infections like blastocystis. Because once you've got low levels of good bacteria and high levels of yeast and bad bacteria, it's not hard for other "bad guys" to get in there.
The only way to test this for sure is to get a comprehensive digestive stool analysis, or CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis) test, which is very expensive and most insurance companies don't cover it. It costs something like $600 to 700 to get this test done depending on where you live.
We've got videos on our YouTube channel where we hold the paper with these stool test lab results
up to the camera so you can see them for yourself. We're not making this up. We've got lots of videos on this topic so be sure to do a search on our channel later.
Most people with a severe gut issue are going to have multiple problems that need clearing up. And CanXida RMV is going to tackle all or most of them.
That includes all common species of candida plus over 150 other yeasts, over 800 species of bad
bacteria including the nasty ones such as e.coli and staph, plus a broad range of parasite invaders.
That’s why we say CanXida equally suitable for candida yeast infections, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), inflammatory bowel disease, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), constipation, diarrhea, skin problems like eczema, leaky gut, severe gas and bloating, sugar cravings, parasite infections like blastocystis, UTI’s (urinary tract infections), autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities and more.
14. Why do I need to take probiotics at all when my goal is just to get rid of yeast? Isn’t an anti-fungal enough?
Anti-fungals are only half of the candida eradication protocol. The other half is probiotics.
Because in order to keep yeast, bad bacteria and parasites from coming back after you stop taking the anti-fungals, you need to replace them with beneficial bacteria.
As we explained in question #7, probitoics (beneficial bacteria) are what PREVENT candida from taking over in the first place. Good bacteria, primarily lactobacillus and bifida, are your gut’s IMMUNE SYSTEM. They’re like a defense force. They keep the “bad guys” (bad bacteria & yeast) in check and prevent them from gaining a foothold in your gut.
We’ve also been into probiotics long before they were popular & learned they work better when you take them with an anti-fungal like CanXida RMV. The two work synergistically.
You’ll get far better results if you take both.
15. Why is your CanXida RST probitoic formula so expensive? I see probiotics on Amazon and the grocery store for $10. Why should I pay more?
Not all probitoic supplements are made the same.
In fact you should be very wary of probiotics you see on store shelves. Before Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) were enforced on the supplement industry, we spoke with many experts regarding probiotics & how they were made.
And we were stunned to discover when a test was done on U.S. probiotics before GMP was enforced, MOST WERE FOUND TO BE USELESS AND DEAD. The cheap probiotics had no live bacteria in them at all – people were just getting ripped off and they had no idea!
And we can tell you right now that chances are, especially if you’re buying some el-cheapo supermarket formula, you’re probably still being scammed. An easy way to tell is if the factory has a GMP certification.
The way you find a high quality formula is by asking, where did it come from? Where did the company get the raw materials? What kind of research has gone into this product?
We picked several special probiotic stains specifically for Candida & gut disorder patients developed by the very nice people there.
The strains we picked are specific.
16. Why does CanXida RST only have 6 probiotic strains? I see other supplements with 10, 20 or even 50. Aren’t those better?
CanXida RST contains the 4 best strains of Lactobacillus and 2 best Bifidobacterium. Why only 6?
Because Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium are what most inhibit Candida, bad bacteria and parasites. They are what’s responsible for TRANSFORMING your gut environment from a place where yeast, bad bacteria & parasites can thrive unchallenged — into a place that’s hostile to them and instead ENCOURAGING to friendly bacteria.
And unless these two are restored, Candida is going to come back again and again. . .
Once the Lactobacillus & Bifido are restored, you’ll get other strains naturally by eating a large variety of different fruits & vegetables. That’s how you achieve true “biodiversity” of gut flora.
Don’t worry about those crazy formulas with 50 strains. They’re designed for marketing purposes so people feel they’re getting “all this stuff” in a single bottle. Most of them have nothing to do with fixing the gut at all.
You may also notice CanXida RST contains no prebiotics while most other probiotic supplements do.
In case you don’t know, prebiotics are special sugars found in certain foods that feed good bacteria & make
them grow. That’s why they’re called prebiotics.
So why don’t we include them? Because we’ve seen them cause too many bad reactions in people. Companies add them in thinking they’re feeding the beneficial bacteria.
Oh yeah, they feed the bacteria alright. . . They feed everything from the e. coli to the clostridia and all the other bacteria that can cause bloating and brain fog & make you feel sick. You can eat foods that contain prebioitics (like garlic), but don’t take supplements that contain them. They just get in the way of results.
17. Why does CanXida RST contain 7 enzymes? Do I really need enzymes? I don’t really want to pay extra for stuff that won’t help me.
CanXida RST contains enzymes because if you’ve got Candida or a gut problem you NEED digestive support.
All folks with gut issues do. These enzymes are especially important in the first and second month of recovery because they’re going to break down all the vegetable starches your new good bacteria are going to feed on.
Enzymes also improve absorption. That’s why we included things like amylase, hemicellulase & protease. Because these target all the different kinds of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need help digesting due to the current state of your gut.
Research in the past 7 years has shown that when you take enzymes and probiotics at the same time, you get an AMPLIFIED EFFECT.
There’s a lot of reasons for this. First, enzymes kick start the gut and improve the acid/alkaline balance of the stomach and small intestine. This creates a more favorable environment for the beneficial bacteria to grow. It also creates a hostile environment for the yeast and bad bacteria.
If you’re taking a probiotic formula right now and you’re not taking enzymes along with it, you’re missing the boat. You really are. Enzymes make all the difference.
18. Do I really need to take CanXida RBD? How do I know I’ll benefit from taking this extra formula alongside RMV and RST?
Not everyone needs to take RBD.
RBD is a sustained release multivitamin with an anit-microbial back end. It’s designed to supply your immune system with all the nutrients necessary to hit the yeast hard. As well as block yeast and bad bacteria from gobbling up the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.
Not everyone needs to take RBD. RBD is a sustained release multivitamin with an anit-microbial back end. It’s designed to supply your immune system with all the nutrients necessary to hit the yeast hard. As well as block yeast and bad bacteria from gobbling up the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Most people who start the CanXida program have vitamin & mineral deficiencies that slow down their recovery.
Other people may have an outstanding diet and have no mineral deficiencies (one way you can tell is if you suffer from fatigue).
If you know your diet is absolutely outstanding, maybe you don’t need the multivitamin component. If you’re the type of person who eats a lot of fermented foods, a lot of sprouts, legumes, many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, you may not need to take RBD at all. But not everyone eats like that.
If you’re just starting out on a candida diet and you’ve got a history of eating lots of packaged or processed foods, then RBD is going to help you A LOT. So the higher quality the diet is to begin with, the less likely you’ll benefit from taking RBD alongside RMV and RST.
If you’re totally new to candida cleansing and are still skeptical whether CanXida will help you, start with 1 bottle of RMV and RST. If you have chronic gut problems or you suffer from fatigue, you’ll benefit greatly by taking Rebuild as well.
For the absolutely BEST results, take all 3.
19. Does CanXida RBD or the others taste bad? I’ve had bad experiences with multivitamins that tasted awful.
RBD likely doesn’t taste like any multivitamin you’ve tried before.
As in, there is no distinct taste at all. There is a pleasant smell (in our opinion) but no real taste or after taste. The only CanXida product that has a mild herbal taste is RMV.
RMV also smells a bit like garlic but RBD does not. RST has no taste or smell at all.
20. If CanXida is so great how come my doctor or naturopath recommended me something else and didn’t tell me about this formula?
Actually CanXida is used and recommend by many naturopaths and nutritionists around the world.
We regularly ship CanXida in bulk to naturopathic clinics who prefer to give CanXida to their patients over other supplements.
If you’re seeing a naturopath and they don’t recommend CanXida, it usually means they have their own protocol they want you to go on. This doesn’t mean their protocol is necessarily going to be less effective. We don’t claim CanXida is the only high quality supplement brand out there for gut health.
We’ve got no issues with folks taking another product. It’s totally up to you. We recommend the CanXida protocol because we know it has a very high success rate when you stick to it.
We also created a huge library of videos, ebooks and resources to help people get the best outcome possible while taking CanXida.
When you take someone else’s formula or when someone recommends another product, ask yourself … what is this person recommending apart from that product?
Are they giving you the basic standard diet sheet they give everyone else with some foods circled in green and others crossed out in red? Do they say “eat these foods!” and then rush you out the door? Are they tailoring the protocol to suit you or teaching you how to make adjustments so you can tailor it to your needs / symptoms?
Do they use a “cookie cutter” protocol meaning everyone who walks in through their door gets the same exact advice and treatment plan? These are just a few of the things to consider before deciding who to listen to.
21. Do I need to take any test to confirm I have candida before buying CanXida?
The short answer is no. Testing for candida is expensive & insurance usually doesn't cover it.
There are however benefits to getting a test done if you can afford one.
If you've had severe gut problems or recurring yeast infections for years & you really want to find out what's causing it, & you're sick of going to doctor to doctor, with everyone preforming blood tests, ultrasounds & colonoscopies that all always back normal, look into what's called a CDSA x3 test.
CDSA x3 stands for Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology, 3 Samples. This is a very advanced test only a handful of labs are equipped to perform.
It's an expensive test (about $600 to $800 depending on where you live). A CDSA x3 is different than a regular stool test. Regular stool tests only look for a narrow range of problems.
A CDSA x3 test is going to look at everything. It looks at what's happening on a microscopic level in your gut vs looking for problems visible only to the naked eye.
It's going to tell the level of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifida you have, the levels of bad bacteria, their species, which yeast species you have an overgrowth of, whether you have problems absorbing nutrients, the status of your immune system is in your digestive system, if there's inflammation & a whole lot more.
We can tell you right now what you're likely going to find are imbalances across the board. It's likely going to show a lack of beneficial bacteria. Over 60% of stool test results we've seen reveal the patient has almost no beneficial bacteria at all.
As we explained in question #13, most people with candida have multiple issues that need clearing up.
That's why CanXida RMV contains antifungals along with antibacterials and anti-parasite ingredients. It targets all the yeast, bad bacteria & parasite species that typically show up in a CDSA test.
The main benefit of testing is it gives you a clear picture of what's going on so you can track your results. That way after you've been on CanXida for a few months, you can get another test done & see exactly how much you've improved and whether your treatment is working.
Most people who buy CanXida skip testing to save money, and that is fine. That's why we made a free candida quiz that gives you a numerical score & tells if your symptoms are mild, moderate or severe.
You can take this free test several times throughout your treatment and see if your candida score goes down as a way to track your progress. You can take this test anytime at https://quiz.yeastinfection.org/
22. I read your CanXida User Guide & the CanXida Whitepaper & one says to take a maximum of 2-3 tablets of RMV per day while the other says to take 6 to 9 per day. What is the proper dosage for RMV & why is there a discrepancy?
Sorry for the discrepancy. We tried to keep the the CanXida Whitepaper simple as it's written for the average person vs someone with chronic candida. The average customer who buys CanXida will only need to take 1 tablet a day to start & then slowly increase it to 2 to 3 tablets a day.
Customers with chronic candida and / or severe gut disorder symptoms should STRONGLY consider going up to 6 tablets a day or even 9. This is particularly important if you've been sick many years because it helps you break through barriers or plateaus you may hit during the recovery process.
It can also speed up your recovery so you get well in 3 months vs in 6 months.
You need to test for yourself if 6 to 9 tablets a day gives you better results compared to 2 to 3. Note that dosages above 6 tablets a day should only be taken for short periods of time (such as several weeks) as outlined in the CanXida User Guide.
12 is the maximum safe dose before the ingredients in RMV may upset stomach or irritation.
About CanXida Health:
About CanXida Health:
We launched CanXida Health in 2013 with one goal – to provide people like you with all the tools needed to finally heal your gut from Candida, Leaky Gut, IBS, SIBO & (almost) any other gut issue.
In addition to making premium grade supplements to target a wide range of gut disorders, we also run the CanXida YouTube channel where you'll find over 2,000 educational videos (along with several ebooks) on how to get your gut working normal again. Visit our website to learn more.
© All material is copyright protected 2011-2023 YeastInfection.Org
Disclaimer: All material provided on the web site is provided for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
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