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By Deborah Barns (CanXida Health)
Blastocystis hominis
There’s a lot of information online on different gut health websites about how to do a successfully get rid of a Blastocystis infection.
Most of this information is put together by people who’ve never seen a blastocystis patient (unlike our team who actually have).
Some of these websites say things like "you MUST go on triple therapy where you take 3 antibiotics at the same time!" if you want to get rid of blastocystis.
And this just isn’t true.
Remember, a lot of the information out there is written by people who've never treated a single blastosystis case in their whole life. Yet they’re telling you what treatments will or won’t work for you.
The truth is, you can get rid of blastocystis naturally at home. Even if it's severe and you've had symptoms for many years. And you don't need to take any drugs or go on a crazy restrictive diet either. In fact, we've discovered natural treatment actually works BETTER for blastocystis than going the pharmacutical route.
Keep reading and we'll prove this to you.
As well as dispel every myth other there concerning what works & doesn't work for blasto.
We'll also explain our 3-step blastocystis treatment we developed based on over 20 years of research & thousands of before & after stool tests (to learn more about us & what we do, see the bottom of this page).
This page is long so feel free to click the table of contents below to instantly be taken to the topics you're most interested in.
Topics Covered on This Page
• Why Treat Blastocystis Infections Using Natural Anti-parasite Supplements + Probiotics & Antibiotics & Pharmaceutical Drugs?
• What Works Better For Blastocystis Infections – Natural Supplements Vs Antibiotic Drugs
• Natural Anti-Parasites vs Probiotics – Which Should You Take For Blasto?
• Can You Get Rid of Blasto With Diet Alone or Should You Also Take Anti-Parasites, Probiotics or Supplements During Your Treatment?
• Step 2: The Low Allergy Diet
• Step 3: The Food Reintroduction Phase
• How to Choose an Anti-Parasite Supplement for Blasto That Actually Works
• Why Most People Get Nowhere With Probiotics & 5 Things to Look For When Choosing a Probiotic For Blastocystis
• Download Your Free Blasto Infection Recovery Kit (5 PDF Reports)
Part 1: Why You'll Get Better Results If You Treat Blastocystis With Anti-Parasite & Probitoic Supplements Vs Drugs
Why Treat Blastocystis Infections Using Natural Anti-parasite Supplements + Probiotics & Antibiotics & Pharmaceutical Drugs?
Before we talk about what works against blasto, let's talk about what doesn't work.
What doesn't work for blastocystis is antibiotic treatment. Why? Because in our experience, the majority of patients with parasite infections relapse.
They may take a drug and get results for a little while, but then the parasite comes back.
Why does this happen you ask? It happens because most people don't work on their gut environment. They only focus on killing the parasite.
Here's what we mean:
Imagine a nice lake. It's got lots of fishes and birds and plants all around it & it's safe to swim in. Now imagine if some chemical company came along and dumped 50 barrels of toxic waste into this nice lake.
What happens? The lake becomes a polluted swamp. The fish die, the plants shrivel up and the birds go away. Instead you get hordes of mosquitos, ticks, biting flies and other pests.
Parasites are like that. They're like germs. They're everywhere & they seek out environments with weakened defense systems where they can set up camp. In humans these defenses are a strong immune system & high levels of beneficial bacteria in the GI tract.
Blastocystis can be passed from a human or from an animal. It can infect rats, chickens, mice, cows, dogs, cats, domesticated animals and wild animals. Plus it's got an ultra-hard shell can live for long periods of time outside the intestinal tract. So you can pick it up through soil, water or from food.
It can be picked up through diaper changing or from utensil sharing. You need to live in a bubble to avoid it!
Most patients we've had over the years with chronic blasto infections have been to 2, 5 or 10 different doctors. They'd have 10, 20, 30 rounds of antibiotics. They went from the bottom end to the top shelf of drugs and they still didn't work.
In some cases it took a year for them to recover because we had to repair all the damage to their gut membrane these drugs caused. The gut becomes increasingly permeable (meaning leaky gut) with each round of antibiotics.
That's why we tell patients to avoid antibiotics if they have a blastocystis infection.
You cannot solve this problem by only focusing on how to "kill blasto."
Clearing up blasto isn't only about killing. It's about building your gut health up so that your body overcomes the infection and keeps it from coming back.
That's why your treatment MUST include a stage where you recolonize your gut with friendly bacteria (aka a probiotic). Not doing this CRUCIAL step is the #1 reason many people get recurring infections and end up suffering for years.
Don't just focus on drugs. All drugs do is kill things. They don't build up the environment so the parasites can't get in there again once you stop taking the drugs. This is particularly true for the "azole" drugs & it also goes for antibiotics.
The problem with antibiotics (as you’ve probably read elsewhere) is they indiscriminately wipe out everything in your gut, including the beneficial bacteria.
What most people (including many general practitioners) don't understand is beneficial bacteria are what PREVENT parasites from taking over in the first place.
Good bacteria, primarily lactobacillus and bifida, are your gut’s IMMUNE SYSTEM. They’re like a defense force or a police unit. They keep the “bad guys” (parasties, bad bacteria & yeast) in check and prevent them from gaining a foothold.
Instead you want to ONLY target the parasites & not harm the beneficial bacteria.
And that's what the treatment method we'll be teaching you on this page does.
What Works Better For Blastocystis Infections – Natural Supplements Vs Antibiotic Drugs
The answer is – natural medicine supplements.
Don't worry about anti-parasites vs probitoics. We'll get to those in a minute.
Many people ask, "why should I take a natural product for blasto vs a pharmaceutical drug? Are natural products really going to be effective?"
There's several reasons why we ONLY recommend natural remedies for blastocystis infections.
The key reason is because natural methods don't harm your beneficial bacteria. They let you take out the parasites without harming the "good guys" or causing damage to your internal environment. It's the difference between using a sniper rifle and a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb is something like an antibiotic.
Another benefit of natural medicine is resistance doesn't occur with natural ingredients.
That happens with drugs. This has been confirmed many times with studies done on things like grapefruit seed extract, black walnut hull extract, neem, clove oil, and other natural anti-parasites. Resistance just doesn’t happen. It happens with pharmaceutical drugs because they are synthetic. They’re only made up of one thing. They’ve got one ultra refined chemical compound with a very narrow band of action.
Once blasto develops a resistance to this action, the pharmaceutical drug is done.
Natural medicines are different. They doesn’t just contain one thing. They’ve got many different natural chemicals and compounds in there that make it up. They attack parasites from many different angles so it gets overwhelmed & can’t fight back.
Remember, parasites are very adaptive. If you only hit it with one action it will soon work out how to fool this action. And you know what happens next. The drug no longer works and the problem comes back. And then you go back to the doctor who puts you on a new drug and the cycle repeats.
We've heard this story again and again and again. . .
Eventually the drugs do nothing at all and you end up with zero beneficial bacteria and nothing but parasites & bad bacteria & yeast crawling around inside you. . .
This is especially true if you've been struggling with blastocystis for a long time.
Remember, beneficial bacteria are your body's natural anti-parasite defense force. A healthy gut that has high levels of beneficial bacteria is a parasite's worst nightmare. They can't survive for long in this kind of environment because it's toxic to them.
We know this because we've done the testing.
Beneficial bacteria will actually release molecules that prevent parasites from latching onto your gut wall. So even if blasto somehow gets into your gut it just gets flushed away when you use the bathroom.
As we said in first YouTube video on this page, 90% of people who get treated with these drugs come back & complain of the same symptoms they had in the first place!
Tummy pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea, dizziness.
We can't tell you how many patients we've seen who went down the conventional route, got put on drugs, saw results for one to three months, & then ended up sick again!
We haven't seen this once.
We haven't seen this twice.
We've seen it HUNDREDS of times!
We've read many studies on parasites that claimed they had +90% success rate using some of these drugs, but from clinical experience we can tell you right now that's a load of BULL.
We know this because when the stool test results come back from a patient who took these drugs it still shows parasites in a large majority of cases. So we don't know where they get 90% from because in our experience it's more like 9%.
Natural Anti-Parasites vs Probiotics – Which Should You Take For Blasto?
The answer is BOTH.
Many people believe that if you take a probiotic and an anti-parasite together, the probiotic is going to be canceled out by the anti-parasite product. This is not true.
In fact they work better together, not against each other. Particularly if you take an anti-parasite that contains only natural ingredients. Such as aged garlic extract and black walnut hull. Because as we learned previously, natural anti-parasites don't harm beneficial bacteria. They only harm stuff like blastocystis.
You don't even need to take anti-parasites and probiotics apart. You can swallow both at the same time.
That way as the anti-parasite travels through your digestive system clearing away blasto cells, the probiotic is right there & REPLACES them with the exact beneficial bacteria that keeps the parasite from coming back.
Remember, blasto cleansing isn't only able killing. Think about what had to happen for you to get a chronic blasto infection. The good bacteria had to go, either due to antibiotics, stress, alcohol, etc.
Blastocystis can't multiply much in an environment with high levels of good bacteria like lactobacillus.
Think about it. If you only take anti-parasites and ignore probiotics, what's there to stop blastocystis from just coming back when you stop taking that antifungal? (Nothing)
Can you take probiotics only and ignore anti-parasites?
You can but you'll slow down your recovery. The whole point of taking supplements for blasto is to speed up your recovery. So there's really no reason to only choose one. Sure you'll save a bit of money but is it really worth it if it means having to deal with blasto symptoms for an extra 2 to 6 months? I don't think so.
Anti-parasites and probiotics work synergistically.
And you’ll get far better results if you take both.
Can You Get Rid of Blasto With Diet Alone or Should You Also Take Anti-Parasites, Probiotics or Supplements During Your Treatment?
A question we often get is, "should I take anti-parasites, probiotics or supplements during my treatment?" Or "I want to beat blasto through diet alone & without taking anything extra. Is this possible?"
And the answer to that is yes. You can beat blastocystis with diet alone.
But it’s hard. REAL HARD.
And we can tell you right now – it DOESN’T HAPPEN in the vast majority of cases.
Trust me, if you've got moderate to severe blasto you won’t get rid of it with diet alone. You also won't get rid of it with anti-parasites or probiotics alone. You need to do BOTH if you want long lasting recovery.
Listen: You may be able to lower your amount of blasto using just diet alone but to truly clean up the gut you need high doses of “powerful agents” over and above the diet. Things like allicin from aged garlic extract, eugenol (which comes from black walnut hull extract), grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil and more.
You’d have to go on a hardcore diet to adequate doses of all these from food. So hardcore you’d irritate your digestive system so much you’d throw your beneficial bacteria off balance and start to get problems.
We didn't always have this approach.
We told patients with blasto to go to health food stores. We told them to buy anti-parasite foods like organic garlic, ginger and coconut. We told people to focus on eating whole foods & not rely on supplements.
And it didn't work.
People just got overwhelmed with the amount of stuff they had to eat.
Diet alone doesn’t work for most people. We’ve seen people eat the most amazing anti-parasite diets. Stuff like ten cloves of garlic plus big chunks of ginger and tablespoons of turmeric powder each day. Yet when they did a stool test they still had problems.
Keep reading and we'll teach you everything you need to know about the proper anti-parasite diet you need to follow if you want the supplements you're taking to be as effective as possible. Then in Part 3 we'll teach you how to actually choose an anti-parasite & probiotic supplement so you can finally put blasto behind you.
Part 2: Everything You Need to Know About Treating Blasto Using Diet – Based On Thousands Of Stool Test Results
We'll get back to how to actually choose supplements in Part 3 of this guide.
If you take a look at the 2000+ free videos on our YouTube channel (which you can learn more about on the bottom of this page), you'll see we've been at this for a LONG time.
This treatment plan is the end result of thousands of hours spent in the clinic working with patients, researching countless books, online resources, speaking with many experts, & old fashioned trial & error.
It wasn't made up out of thin air by some blogger like other blastocystis treatments you'll find online.
That's why we can say WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT what you're about to learn works. It works no matter how sick you are, how long you've been struggling with blasto, how many previous treatments you've tried or how many "specialists" you've been to.
Our 3-step diet is simple to understand, easy to follow and has NO-SIDE EFFECTS.
The first two steps are special anti-parasite diets. The 3rd step is where you slowly reintroduce foods back into your diet.
The 3 steps are as follows:
Step 1: The MEVY Diet (3 - 4 weeks)
Step 2: The Low Allergy Diet (2 - 8 weeks)
Step 3: The Food Re-introduction Stage (2 - 4 weeks)
If this is your first attempt at a parasite cleanse, we also recommend you go through something we call the "14 Day Big Cleanup" before you start Step 1: The MEVY Diet.
The 14 Day Big Clean-Up
The 14 Day Big Clean-Up is sort of like a Step 0.
It serves 2 purposes. First it allows you to slowly ease yourself into the new diet without experiencing withdrawal from things like alcohol, caffeine, take-out foods, candy, ice cream & chocolate.
It also reduces your chances of experiencing aggravations symptoms during your treatment.
This might sound odd but you'll likely need to get rid of a lot of the foods in your kitchen pantry during this step. The more severe your infection & the worse your symptoms are, the more CRITICAL this step is.
The best thing to do is grab a big bag and fill it with all the foods that have been sitting in jars or bottles in your fridge. If you haven’t looked at or touched them for a long time, they NEED to go. Get rid of sauces, syrups, jams, etc. All these tend to be stored for long periods & develop mold.
Even if you can’t visibly see any mold, don’t take any chances. Throw it away.
Next you want to get rid of anything containing white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and especially artificial sweeteners because these will prevent your recovery like nothing else. You need to give the candy away, the ice cream, the cookies. All that stuff needs to go. That way you won’t be tempted by it later.
Same goes for highly processed foods like potato chips, microwave meals, deli meats, pastries, etc. Give it away to a neighbor or friend or just throw it in the trash.
As you likely know, these are the foods blasto thrives on. By removing these foods from your diet, you take away its food source. This leaves the parasite weakened & far easier to get rid of later.
If you don't want to do this & wish to continue eating these foods (even in small amounts) during the treatment, you may as well stop reading this now. It’s that important.
Do this over a period of a few days if you must, but get it done.
Here’s a short list of foods to get rid of:
• Soda drinks
• Chocolate (even unsweetened or 100% cacao)
• Ice cream
• Sweets or candy
• Biscuits or cookies
• Donuts, muffins or cakes
• Pastries
• White breads
• Chips
• Pizza, fried chicken & any take-out foods
• Nutella, peanut butter, jam or spreads (unless you make them yourself)
For more information about the Big Cleanup, click the video link below:
Step 1: The MEVY Diet
MEVY stands for Meat, Eggs, Vegetables & Yogurt.
This is a well tested diet designed to bring your intestinal flora back into balance. It calms and heals your gut from a multitude of conditions including parasite infections, candida overgrowth, bad bacteria and more.
We didn’t create this diet.
It’s been around for a long time. Since at least 1986 when it was recommended in “The Yeast Syndrome” by Dr. Morton Walker. You don’t need to read it. You’ll learn everything you need about the MEVY Diet through this page & our YouTube channel.
The MEVY diet is a short term diet. You only need to be strict with it for 3 to 4 weeks. For best results, follow it strictly for at least 2 weeks. Then you can loosen up a little for the next 2 to 3 weeks as you start to implement the Low-Allergy diet (this is step 2).
It’s up to you to decide how long you want to stay on the MEVY approach.
Either way, we can assure you of one thing – the MEVY Diet WORKS. It works very well in fact & can quickly reduce most (if not all) the digestive disturbances you’re struggling with - INCLUDING blasto.
It’s a tasty and healthy diet. You’re not going to starve or feel deprived.
Meats generally are not favored at all by blastocystis.
You're not going to have a problem with fresh fish, lean beef, or free range eggs. Just be careful not to overload your diet on red meat because that can cause constipation and clogged up bowels.
If you’re a vegan there’s plenty of other options you’ve got.
These foods also discourage bad bacteria like Citrobacter freundii and get rid of things like Candida albicans, and all kinds of other nasty bacteria & yeasts you found in people who've had blasto issues for a long time.
The MEVY diet is a low-carb diet.
It’s been around long before low-carb diets became popular. Unlike other low-carb diets, the goal of the MEVY approach isn’t to lose weight. Although you most certainly will lose weight if you have excess weight to lose (particularly if you follow it well).
You’re allowed to eat all meats, eggs, most vegetables (except high starch vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas, corn and beets) and plain yogurt.
Fruit generally isn't a problem with blastocystis. If you're reacting to fruit (especially small amounts) you may want to get a stool test done because it may be a sign that you've got a candida problem as well.
Most grains are OK to eat as are foods that contain gluten. If you react to these, take them out of the diet as it can be a sign of candida overgrowth. We'll talk more about gluten in the next section.
Eliminate foods such as heavily processed cereals, pasta, conventional breads (which contain yeasts and sugars), pastries, chips and alcohol.
Sourdough bread is OK to eat, especially rye. You also want to avoid all dairy products, with natural unsweetened yogurt being the only exception.
Don’t worry about keeping track of the specific foods you can and can’t eat on the MEVY diet. We've created a free CanXida Grocery Shopping Guide PDF for that. Along with a one page printable checklist that lists all the fruits, vegetables, grains & other foods you can eat.
You can grab both of them for free at the bottom of this page.
The only differences between a candida & a blasto diet are the ones we mentioned. You can eat more fruit, grains & sourdough bread during an anti-blastocystis diet vs a candida diet. Otherwise the 2 diets are identical.
Also make sure you watch the YouTube videos linked in this section as these will explain the MEVY Diet in much more detail.
Step 2: The Low Allergy Diet
Once you’ve been on the MEVY Diet & any blasto you have in your gut have been weakened, we start the Low Allergy Diet.
The purpose of this diet is to restore your gut’s immune system.
Most people with chronic blasto problems will have leaky gut syndrome and a background of antibiotic use or the oral contraceptive pill. They’ll have poor levels of good bacteria and all sorts of gastrointestinal distress.
That’s why it’s best to come off what are considered key allergy foods.
These Foods Are:
• citrus (especially oranges)
• pineapple
• banana
• shellfish
• peanut/peanut butter
• wheat/gluten
• chocolate
• cow's milk
Cow's milk is a big one.
We’ve seen testing on over 350 young children that found nearly 70% had a problem with cow's milk. Bananas came back around 14%. Pineapples and shellfish came back nearly 20%.
Bread and gluten allergies are not as common as you think.
Chocolate however is. Even dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or whatever it is, it's GOT TO GO for a while. There’s no way around it. Chocolate aggravates blasto & other gut disturbances. Even if it's raw cacao you need to take it out of your diet for at least 3 to 4 weeks.
A Special Note on Wheat:
Too many people point the finger at wheat and gluten when in fact, these people have bacterial and yeast problems that need clearing up BEFORE they start taking gluten out of their diet.
We’re not big fans of telling people to eliminate wheat or gluten from their diet forever.
In fact, we’ve seen people get BACK into gluten after they were told by doctors they could NEVER eat wheat ever again. Because once your gut bacteria levels are restored – gluten is no longer a problem.
Just because every blog site out there says you should eat gluten-free doesn't make it true. "Gluten free" is almost like a religion today.
Remember, only 1 or 2% of the population has Celiac Disease.
Are you celiac? Probably not. Are you gluten intolerant? Probably not.
Do you have a disturbed gut microbiota? Probably yes.
What we're doing with the Low Allergy Diet is taking out the foods that could potentially trigger an immune response.
This is very smart because you've likely got food allergies and intolerances right now that are creating immune dysfunction.
By taking all these foods out, it stops the immune system from reacting.
That way, once your digestion is in better shape, you’ll be able to eat these foods without having to worry whether the next bite of the “wrong food" will send you running to the toilet or cause gas, bloating or other symptoms.
All you do at this stage is remove the foods listed previously in this section, and keep it that way for a period of several weeks to several months. You should continue to eat the MEVY Diet in the meantime (although you don’t have to be as strict with as you were in the beginning).
Step 3: The Food Reintroduction Phase
At this point you should be feeling a lot better and most of your big symptoms should have disappeared. So we can start reintroducing the foods we eliminated in phase 1.
You'll get the exact details once you download the free PDF report at the bottom of this page but what you'll basically do is get a piece of paper and write down all the foods you really love but feel you can't eat because they give you problems.
We're talking about ice cream, beer, wine, pizza, chocolate chip cookies, pastries, whatever you like.
Then what you'll do is slowly start to reintroduce these foods & see what effect they have on you.
Yes, even ice cream and pastries. We don't like being the "food police." If you like, you can choose healthier versions of them like oat milk ice cream vs a cheap dairy one.
And it may sound shocking but once you go through our treatment plan, you'll be VERY SURPRISED to find that most (if not all) the foods currently on your "to avoid" list no longer give you trouble.
Of course this doesn't mean you can go on a 100% junk food diet and expect to stay healthy, but you can be sure an occasional ice cream or pizza with friends isn't going to bother you anymore.
You don't have to be gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol or whatever else free for the rest of your life.
We can tell you now after helping thousands of folks overcome blasto – PEOPLE GET SICK AND TIRED of having these restrictive diets.
They hate it.
Every label has got to be scrutinized rigorously. Every time you go out with friends 90% or more of the menu is off limits and you're stuck with the blandest salad. What a pain in the butt!
A Precaution About Reintroducing Foods:
The first foods you reintroduce are NOT the foods you love the most.
You want start with the foods you feel a bit indifferent about.
You haven't eaten them in a while but you could take them or leave them.
It could be carrots or it could be some fish. If you really love some particular food, it's not a good idea to introduce it back into the diet right away on day 1. You can bring them in after a few days or a few weeks.
If you bring those foods back in the diet too quickly, there's a possibility you're going to overeat and have too much of them. And then you can get your blood sugar worked up and this can push you off-track.
We've seen this happen again and again, so just take it slow and you'll be fine.
Part 3: How to Choose a Natural Anti-Parasite & Probiotic Supplement That Actually Gets You Results
How to Choose an Anti-Parasite Supplement for Blasto That Actually Works
When choosing an anti-parasite, go with a compressed tablet vs a cellulose capsule product.
Don't buy those cheap cellulose capsules that have a blend of different herbal powers. They're not nearly as effective as tablets. A tablet will almost always have more anti-parasite activity because more natural ingredients can fit into it. As the capsule itself takes up a lot of space that can be used for herbs instead.
When you select a tablet, make sure that it’s sustained release. Sustained release means when you swallow this tablet, your digestive system doesn’t get access to everything immediately.
But over a period of several hours it slowly breaks down in the gut.
That way it targets all parts of your GI track. It cleanses all the parasites, yeast and bad bacteria right from your mouth and keeps working all the way through the colon and “back passage.”
Now, likely whatever supplements you were taking before were not sustained release.
They weren’t put together by someone with decades of experience treating your specific health problem. They were likely put together by a company that’s got a 1000 other products and they pay lip service to making an anti-bacterial formula.
Or they’ve just put out a product with one thing like oregano oil.
That's one of the reasons we made our own supplement formula, CanXida. We got disappointed with the stuff available in grocery stores.
Too many supplements these days are filled with fake ingredients.
This isn’t an opinion. It’s a fact. Back in 2015, the New York Attorney General Office conducted 390 tests on a wide range of supplements. They gathered bottles from the shelves of 4 major retail stores.
These were GNC, Target, Walmart and Walgreens. They then sent the bottles over to a lab and DNA tested every tablet to see if the ingredients matched the label. And guess what they found. . .
Only 21% of the products actually had the herbs advertised on the bottle.
79% didn’t contain ANY of the herbs and were just full of crap like rice powder and wheat!
Here’s a screenshot of an article from CBS News reporting on it:
And it gets worse. . .
One survey done by the FDA found 68% of the supplements tested didn’t even have the MAIN INGREDIENT advertised on the bottle. For example, one “St. John’s Wort” supplement contained nothing but “senna,” a laxative that can cause anal blistering.
Imagine taking something like that when you’ve already got a gut problem.
This is why we tell folks to avoid generic brand supplements from places like Amazon or iHerb.
The way you find good supplements is by asking “Where did this product come from? Where did the company get the raw materials? What kind of research has gone into this product?"
Was the product formulated by a person who’s an expert on it? Has it been tested and proven to work on your specific problem? Do they provide extensive education about dosage or the best way to use that product?
Does the product use standardized ingredients?
Standardized means that each time you take this supplement, you're getting a consistent therapeutic dose. It doesn't vary in potency from batch to batch as is often the case in non-standardized supplements. It's a bit like how pharmaceuticals are made.
You get the same strong therapeutic dose every time you take it.
Don't just go for the cheapest product. You’ll get cheap results.
If you want to test out a high quality natural supplement, check out our CanXida RMV formula.
CanXida RMV is an advanced 12 ingredient anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & anti-parasitic formula based on two decades of experience. It’s the only formula that targets the BIG PICTURE of gut disturbances & is in our opinion the most premium gut cleaning supplement ever created.
This is a "heavy duty" formula designed to work even for extremely severe cases where the patient has been sick for YEARS & every other supplement and drug they tried in the past either failed them or the gut infection came back.
CanXida is non-toxic, has no side effects & is safe even for children.
You won't find anything stronger. It meets all the criteria we mention above & more.
You can learn more about CanXida by watching the video below or by visiting www.canxida.com/remove.
Why Most People Get Nowhere With Probiotics & 5 Things to Look For When Choosing a Probiotic For Blastocystis
Below are the 5 things you want to look for when choosing a probiotic for blasto.
1. Is the Formula Centered Around Good Bacteria Strains Scientifically Proven to Inhibit Parasites & Other Gut Pathogens?
If you’ve ever compared different probiotic formulas before you’ve no doubt noticed that there's lots of different bacteria strains out there and some products contain more strains than others.
Some products contain 50 strains. Others contain 20. Most of these are just there for marketing purposes to make you think you’re getting “lots of stuff.” They don't do anything at all to inhibit parasites & they do nothing against blasto.
The 6 strains that do inhibit blasto are:
You've probably heard of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium as they're the most researched probiotic strains out there. What most people don't understand is these strains are the #1 natural enemy of parasites (as well as that of most yeast species).
They're the #1 competitor of blastocystis in the gut. Countless studies show that parasites like blasto can't grow in areas with high levels of lactobacillus & bifidobacterium. One 2019 study (shown below) for example shows it only takes 24 hours for Lactobacillus to start working against blastocystis.
source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6376780/
Blasto knows this. It actually has mechanisms that decrease the level of beneficial bacteria in the gut. That's why studies show mice infected with blastocystis experience a decrease in both lactobacillus & bifidobacterium.
L. acidophilus releases lactic acid which interferes with the metabolic process of wide variety of gut pathogens (including parasites). It causes them to have a stress response & stops them from multiplying.
Other antimicrobial agents created by the Lacobacillus species listed above include hydrogen peroxide (which also protects your gut from bad bacteria infections) & special molecules called bacteriocins & biosurfactants.
Bacteriocins are tiny protein-like molecules that slow the growth of parasites, bad bacteria and fungi.
While biosurfactants are molecules that interfere with gut pathogen's ability to latch onto the gut wall. Studies show when high levels of Lactobacillus is released into an environment colonized by parasites & yeast, the good bacteria will literally unhook "bad guys" from the epithedial cells that line the gut wall.
You don't need to understand all of these scientific terms.
Just understand that blasto HATES these 6 strains. They compete with it for food, nutrients, colonization space, "poison" it by releasing molecules that prevent its growth, & will even "evict" the parasites from their "home" & send them packing.
They also have additional benefits such as in the case of Lactobacillus casei.
Casei is very important when you’ve got a gut problem. Why? Because it mops up immune debris & waste particles (toxins) created by parasites & bad bacteria that like to lodge themselves throughout your body.
It stops them from getting into your bloodstream, causing inflammation & making you feel sick.
This allows your immune system to focus more on the big issues (like cleaning up your gut from any parasites, bad bacteria & yeast).
It also helps with food allergies because it trains your immune system to relax and not be hyper-reactive.
These are the strains that are most responsible for fixing your gut environment. The list above includes the 4 best Lactobacillus and the 2 best Bifidobacterium.
To learn more about these 6 strains, check out the product page for our CanXida Restore (RST) formula which goes over the each of them in more detail. You can get to it by clicking here.
Don't worry about any other strains. They're nowhere near as important.
Also remember that only so many probiotics can fit into a capsule. So if a formula has 12 or 20 strains, it's going to have lower levels of the strains you actually want.
2. Avoid Formulas that Contain Prebiotics or FOS
Prebiotics (also known as FOS or fructooligosaccharides) are a special type of sugar naturally found in foods such as broccoli, coconut and bananas. These sugars are what feed probitoics (beneficial bacteria) and make them grow.
That’s why they’re called prebiotics. So why do we tell you to avoid any probiotic formula that contains them?
Because we've seen them cause too many bad reactions when taken in supplement form. Any time a customer tells us they tried a probotic formula in the past and it made them feel sick or bloated or gave them brain fog, we know right away that formula contained prebiotics.
Companies add these sugars in thinking they’re going to feed the beneficial bacteria.
Oh yeah, they feed the bacteria alright. . . They feed everything from the e. coli to the clostridia and all the other bad bacteria that cause bloating and brain fog & make you feel like crap.
Companies will tell you these sugars are from "natural sources" but in reality that “source” is a factory or lab.
We’ve had it with prebiotics. We’ve seen them cause too many aggravations in customers. Get rid of any supplements that have them. You’ll get much better results if you take a probiotic without prebiotics.
It’s fine to eat foods that naturally contain FOS like the ones we mentioned but don’t take supplements that contain them.
3. Does the Probiotic Formula Also Contain Enzymes?
Instead of prebiotics, get a formula that contains digestive enzymes.
Research in the past 7 years has shown that when you take enzymes and probiotics at the same time, you get an amplified effect.
There’s lots of reasons this happens. First, enzymes kick start the gut and improve the acid / alkaline ratio of the stomach and small intestine.
This creates a more favorable environment for the beneficial bacteria to grow. It also creates a hostile environment for the parasites, bad bacteria and yeast.
They annoy the bad guys and encourage the good guys & shift your bacteria population from bad to good.
Enzymes also help with the healing process. Many people with gut disorders have damaged or inflamed digestive systems caused by parasites & yeast overgrowth. Enzymes help with this by allowing your gut to heal at a faster rate.
They can also help mop up any garbage that needs cleaning up.
It's like sweeping a floor that hasn’t been cleaned thoroughly for many years. You might notice that you pass out bowel plaques or mucous. You may have more frequent bowel motions or larger stools.
Enzymes are especially important in the first and second month of the gut healing process because they’re going to break down all the vegetable starches your good bacteria are going to feed on. This is how you feed the good bacteria without feeding the bad.
That's why you should look for things like amylase, hemicellulase, protease, invertase, and glucocoamylase on probiotics labels.
Because these target all the different kinds of carbohydrates, proteins and fats you’ll need help digesting if your gut isn't in great shape yet.
Not all enzyme formulas are compatible with probiotics.
So don’t just grab an enzyme supplement from Amazon or iHerb and combine it with whatever probiotics you’ve got laying around.
It takes a special skill that a clinician develops over time to understand how to combine these two successfully so you get an amplified effect like we described.
If you’re taking a probiotic formula right now and you’re not taking enzymes along with it, you’re missing the boat.
You really are. Enzymes make all the difference.
If you want the best possible product, make sure the probiotic + enzyme formula you choose contains an enzyme called serratiopeptidase.
This is a very powerful enzyme that will bind to circulating immune complexes in the blood. That means that once you take it, it will actually start to hunt down little bits of debris in your bloodstream created by parasites, bad bacteria and yeast as they die off.
This is particularly important for people suffering from Leaky Gut or auto-immune diseases because this debris is one of the main causes of things like rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain.
As well as brain fog, headaches, and many other symptoms. . .
4. Does the Probiotic Come In a Time-Released Capsule?
Another thing to check for is if the probiotics come in what’s called a time-released capsule.
These capsules are very expensive to manufacture so usually a company will tell you on the label if it’s time-released or not.
These aren’t the cheap cellulose capsules that break down in the stomach.
They survive the stomach and only open up in the small intestine.
That way nothing is lost due to stomach acid. Nearly all probiotics you buy don’t do that. They don’t fully survive the stomach bypass. They actually get destroyed before they get to the intestine.
A time-released capsule is different. It’s not affected by digestion.
5. Is the probiotic GMP Certified or Made in a GMP Certified Facility?
Be VERY vary of any probiotic that doesn’t have a “GMP Certified” seal on the label.
Particularly the cheap probiotics you see on store shelves.
Many years ago before GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) were enforced on the supplement industry, we spoke with many experts in America and Europe regarding probiotics and how they were made.
And we were quite amazed to discover that when a survey was done on U.S. probiotics just before GMP was enforced, many of them were found to be USELESS and DEAD.
The cheap probiotics had NO VIABLE BACTERIA in them at all — people were just getting ripped off and they had no idea! And we can tell you right now that chances are, especially if you’re buying some “el-cheapo” product at the supermarket or Walmart, you’re probably still getting scammed.
An easy way to tell is to see if the factory or supplier has a GMP certification.
Before you check out other probiotics take a look at our CanXida RST formula.
This is a heavy duty probiotic we designed specifically for people with moderate to severe gut problems who need help fast.
It meets all 5 of the criteria above (including serratiopeptidase).You can learn more about this formula by visiting www.canxida.com/restore.
Be sure to check out our YouTube page before you leave this page.
We run the largest gut disorder related YouTube channel (called the CanXida Gut Health Network) where you can find over 4,000 educational videos (along with several ebooks) that teach you step-by step how to get your gut back to normal.
The channel was originally exclusively about Candida but has since expanded into virtually every other gut health related issue and we plan to continue expanding it to cover many other health related issues. We've even got a candida recipes YouTube channel which you can check out later.
Why do we give away so much information for free?
Because we like to see people recover. It’s fantastic and the best part of our job.
Please be sure to grab your free Blasto Infection Recovery Kit Grocery Kit before you leave this page.
This is a collection of 5 in-depth free PDF reports we created specifically for people like you who are just getting started with parasite cleansing.
Inside you'll discover how to slowly transition to an anti-parasite diet – as well as everything you need to know about how to shop for fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains & flours, pasta, noodles, beans, nuts, breads, soups, spreads & dips, seafood, poultry, meats, dairy, oils, fermented & cultured foods and more.
The PDF titles may say "candida" but make no mistake about it – the information inside is equally applicable to blastocystis, candida yeast overgrowth, SIBO, IBS and a long list of other gut issues.
You can grab it by clicking the button below.
Hope to talk to again soon,
-Deborah Barnes, CanXida Customer Care Team
Click the Button Below to Grab Your 100% FREE Blasto Infection Recovery Kit - 5 Free PDF Reports
What's Included in the Blasto Infection Recovery Kit:
1. The influence of probiotic bacteria and human gut microorganisms causing opportunistic infections on Blastocystis ST3.
2. Effectiveness of probiotics in irritable bowel syndrome: Updated systematic review with meta-analysis.
3. The Effectiveness of Processed Grapefruit-Seed Extract as An Antibacterial Agent: I. An In Vitro Agar Assay.
4. Adaptation of bacteria to the intestinal niche: probiotics and gut disorder.
5. Interactions between a pathogenic Blastocystis subtype and gut microbiota: in vitro and in vivo studies.
6. DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal products.
https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11. . .
7. Using probiotics and prebiotics to improve gut health.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359. . .
8. Therapeutic Uses and Pharmacological Properties of Garlic, Shallot, and Their Biologically Active Compounds.
9. Pediatric functional constipation treatment with Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt: a crossover, double-blind, controlled trial.
About CanXida Health:
About CanXida Health:
We launched CanXida Health in 2013 with one goal – to provide people like you with all the tools needed to finally heal your gut from Candida, Leaky Gut, IBS, SIBO & (almost) any other gut issue.
In addition to making premium grade supplements to target a wide range of gut disorders, we also run the CanXida YouTube channel where you'll find over 2,000 educational videos (along with several ebooks) on how to get your gut working normal again. Visit our website to learn more.
© All material is copyright protected 2011-2023 YeastInfection.Org
Disclaimer: All material provided on the web site is provided for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
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